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In this section, you will find all the articles that have been categorized under the topic “Technology”.

4 Ways to Enhance Your Productivity With Google Glass

Google Glass

This article explores four effective ways to use Google Glass, the wearable computing device scheduled to hit the shelves in 2014, to boost work productivity. The article discusses, for instance, how you can exploit the voice-recognition capability of the Glass to quickly respond to text messages. Other hands-free techniques to efficiently simplify your daily workflow are also described.

4 Ways to Enhance Your Productivity With Google Glass Click to continue reading »

Is a Cheaper iPhone a Good Move for Apple?

Is a Cheaper iPhone a Good Move for Apple?

Apple´s iPhone has long been viewed as the top example of a quality smartphone. Even as generations of the iPhone began to slip in terms of features compared to Android devices, the iPhone has always been viewed as a quality handset designed to last. Now Apple is considering a cheaper iPhone to diversify its lineup and create revenue and sales growth. The question now is, does this move make sense for Apple?

Is a Cheaper iPhone a Good Move for Apple? Click to continue reading »

8 Reasons Why Android Is Better Than iOS

8 Reasons Why Android Is Better Than iOS

The battle between Android and iOS is an ever-present one and there are many misconceptions and false claims floating around about these two platforms in the tech realm. This article aims to clear up all of those things and educate you on some genuine and unquestionable advantages that Android has over iOS. If you are planning to buy an Android smartphone or tablet, you shouldn´t miss out on these features.

8 Reasons Why Android Is Better Than iOS Click to continue reading »

Getting the Most Out of Your Android Smartphone

Getting the Most Out of Your Android Smartphone

Android is one of the leading brands in smartphone operating system technology, and an increasing number of consumers are moving from their old phones to an Android phone. Android phones are known for being able to perform almost any task that you throw at it, but because of this it loses some ease of use. This article explains some ofthe key features of Android phones and what they are for.

Getting the Most Out of Your Android Smartphone Click to continue reading »